The Adventures of Lamin Tun
The adventures of Lamin Tun series was created to help people learn new things throughout the facebook page called "Area 21". Area 21 is a community-owned and operated knowledge-sharing platform. Area 21, being a youth-led media company, will be able to provide the public with reliable and comprehensive information, mostly on the public's side.
The team's Researchers review all content are submitted on Area 21 to ensure that it is accurate and dependable. Area 21's main purpose is to develop itself as a reliable and well-known news source that will help people survive Myanmar's brutal political circumstances.
We've designed content with cartoon illustrations that include vital information in this series so that people can be entertained while learning something new at the same time.

The Return of the Lamin Tun
Since starting college, I've been much busier than usual and haven't been able to keep the page up to date. After a year of not drawing the Lamin Tun series, I've decided to resume it, and I've even rebranded the character designs with new artwork. Character designs were created with a new artstyle.