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A letter to Haydin

Client - Third Story Children Books

"A letter to Hay Din" is a story about Mala and Hay Din, two dearest friends who met under tragic circumstances but eventually became best friends despite their differences in culture, race, and even language. When the time comes for them to say their goodbyes, Mala decides to write a letter to express her feelings. It's my first time drawing pictures for a children's book, and I've learned things about the guidelines I should follow when creating one.

Product Mockup 

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our Mascot 

Character Design - Fio Dio

The Count Down Animations

Illustration - Suyi , Animation - FioDio

To advertise our show and stay in touch with the public, we created a series of countdown animations.

The promotional Materials 

Illustration - Suyi , Animation - FioDio

To advertise our show and stay in touch with the public, we created a series of countdown animations.

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